My heart beats up to my throat.
It lets me rejoice and fulfills me
with In-fin-ite gratitude.
Oh yes. There are days when you doubt. Days you would like to sneak away from. Wherever you look, whatever you discover: This doesn’t appear to be your day. And you ask yourself if you are in the right place? When you feel that you do not conform to any pattern, something begins to develop in the right direction. Prepare yourself, to free yourself from pondering: How it should be, how it shouldn’t be. . . Give up your idea of perfection. The mere idea of this drives us all crazy. It’s enough. Because the unattainable is simply not attainable.
It lies in the nature of perfection, perfection which will never happen. Decide: do you want to live an unhappy, or a happy life?
NOW – what do you want now?
No one else will do it for you.
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